Coastal weather forecasts shouldn’t be this hard.

Our mission is to make it easier for more people to spend time down by the coast. We want to make it as easy as possible to see where the best spot is to go at a glance, and waste no time getting down and enjoying the coast.

How does it work?

Day For It uses an intelligent, AI powered algorithm to automatically make sure you’re getting the most accurate data for where you are in the world. We retrieve data from the NOAA, UK MetOffice, DWD in Germany, the Météo in France and others to make sure no matter where you are in the world, you have the most accurate and reliable data source.

Meet the founder

Day For It is the creation of software engineer, Max Houghton. Based in New Zealand but originally from the UK, Max spent a lot of time at the coast and was after a simple way of reading tide times without getting too bogged down in data and complicated charts.

After a small bit of research and some late nights, Day For It was born. Starting off as a personal project, the decision was made to make the platform publicly accessible and Day For It has grown into the app we have now with thousands of users, all over the world.